Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Amish Bassboat

Have you ever had someone slap you in the back of the head? ”Wake up Boy! Pay attention!” Boy, I
did this week. Early in the week I couldn’t think of anything to write about. I figured, no big deal, I’ll
write something next month. I hadn’t really intended for this to be a regular monthly column anyway. I
thought the deadline had already passed. Well, this morning Valerie left a message on my voice mail
saying I still had until Thursday morning to submit something for the newsletter. Hmmmm What could
I write about? I still couldn’t think of anything. ….SLAP!…”What did you see that struck you as unusual
this week?” “I dunno” SLAP! ….”Do you remember those two Amish guys?” “Yeah, so…” Slap!!
“Write about that.” “OK………”
Monday morning I was leaving the store to visit customers. As I turned the corner on a short section of
Leading Creek road I noticed an Amish Buggy rounding the turn and out of sight just ahead. I began to
try to figure out just exactly what I was seeing. There were two Amish Guys driving a standard issue
Amish buggy being drawn by a standard issue Amish horse with a standard issue orange triangle on
the back. They were towing something. As I got closer I could see they were towing a boat! That’s
something you don’t see every day. As I pulled up and passed them I noticed their Igloo water cooler,
a couple of red and white ice chests and their fishing poles all tied firmly to the boat. I thought about
stopping to talk with them but business pressed me onward. I wonder what that conversation would
sound like……………………
That your boat?
Nope, we stole it from the Mennonite family up the road ;)
Been fishing?
Just a little, but my brother Zebedee here wanted to water ski so we didn’t get much fishin’ done.
Water skiing ?
Yeah, but we didn’t get to do much of that either.
How come?
It wears the horse out.
By now you’re probably wondering what the point of this silliness is. Its this, there is more than one
way to engage someone in a dialog. The first way generally gets most peoples attention but
immediately puts them on the defensive.  The second way is generally more winsome and works favorably on more people. Neither of these techniques may work for you so what you need to do is find an approach to people that works with your personality and temperament. The main idea is to start a conversation with the lost world around you. You can’t talk to someone about eternal things without first engaging them on a personal level.
Look at our Lord when He met the woman of Samaria. He began by simply asking for a drink of water.
As their conversation progressed He quickly moved it into matters of eternal importance. As a result
we see possibly the first woman evangelist in history. She simply went to those who knew her and said
“Come, see a man, who told me all things that ever I did: can this be the Christ?” ( Jn 4:29)
“And from that city many of the Samaritans believed on him because of the word of the woman, who
testified, He told me all things that ever I did. So when the Samaritans came unto him, they besought
him to abide with them: and he abode there two days. And many more believed because of his word;
and they said to the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy speaking: for we have heard for
ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Saviour of the world.”(Jn 4:39-42)

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